
Found this meme on another blog, but I felt the list was too long and unwieldy. Worse, most of the characters I’d only barely heard of so I couldn’t decide which ones I liked enough. So, this is my list of shaggable (or not so shaggable) male characters (note that it’s about the characters, notFortsätt läsa ”Shaggables”

Top Ten Male Characters

1. Spock (Star Trek: Zachary Quinto – ok, a movie, but anyway…) 2. Peter Petrelli (Heroes: Milo Ventimiglia) 3. Mohinder Suresh (Heroes: Sendhil Ramamurthy) 4. Mitchell (Being Human: Aidan Turner) 5. Robert of Huntingdon (Robin of Sherwood: Jason Connery) 6. Guy of Gisburne (Robin of Sherwood: Robert Addie) 7. Archie Kennedy  (Hornblower: Jamie Bamber) 8.Fortsätt läsa ”Top Ten Male Characters”

Creepy… Cemetaries and weird guys

This afternoon, I went to pick up some books I had ordered. Not that we can afford them, but just this once, we decided it would be alright. When I got to the store – no post offices anymore, which is such a shame, considering that we (Sweden) used to have the oldest postal serviceFortsätt läsa ”Creepy… Cemetaries and weird guys”

Creepy… Cemetaries and weird guys

This afternoon, I went to pick up some books I had ordered. Not that we can afford them, but just this once, we decided it would be alright. When I got to the store – no post offices anymore, which is such a shame, considering that we (Sweden) used to have the oldest postal serviceFortsätt läsa ”Creepy… Cemetaries and weird guys”

What is Slash Fan Fiction?

To put it simply, slash means a m/m pairing. Some people say it goes back to K/S which means Kirk/Spock, from Star Trek, The Original Series. Others say it goes all the way back to Sherlock Holmes and Watson. What do I know? It might even go back to Homer’s stories about Achilles and Patroclus.Fortsätt läsa ”What is Slash Fan Fiction?”