Robin of Sherwood

I’d like to introduce one of my very favorite fandoms, Robin of Sherwood. Some of my followers are familiar with it, but I’m guessing most of you are not. Here in Sweden, the series is available for rent on DVD (and last year my sister and I watched the whole series basically in one sitting.)Fortsätt läsa ”Robin of Sherwood”

Reflections on music and movies

I’m a big fan of 80’s music. From what I can tell, without being an expert at music, the songs made in those days really were good, no matter how you define ‘good’. In any case, I’m not the only one who thinks so. I rather like 90’s music too, but not quite as much.Fortsätt läsa ”Reflections on music and movies”

My books and stuff

On one of my other sites – Moonflower’s Books and Stuff – I’m discussing all my favorite books, authors, tv series, movies and more. That includes actual reviews of a kind. LOL. I’m not promising they’ll be perfect, but if you like you’re welcome to take a look. I am promising that I haven’t forgottenFortsätt läsa ”My books and stuff”

My books and stuff

On one of my other sites – In libris libertas – I’m discussing all my favorite books, authors, tv series, movies and more. That includes actual reviews of a kind. LOL. I’m not promising they’ll be perfect, but if you like you’re welcome to take a look. I am promising that I haven’t forgotten aboutFortsätt läsa ”My books and stuff”

What’s historic – really?

Since I write historic stories, I began to wonder where you draw the line. What is a historic story? When it comes to fan fiction, I suppose it depends on in what era the fandom is set, but the question remains. What point in time, can be referred to as historic? I guess there areFortsätt läsa ”What’s historic – really?”